Guest Review: The Awakening of Leeowyn Blake – Mary Parker

Posted November 18, 2012 by Shannon in Author Provided / 1 Comment

I’m a normal teenager. I have a normal teenage life with normal teenage problems. The summer is my heaven. I live with my mom during the summer months. We stay in her tiny condo in Jacksonville, Florida. My parents split up when I was little. I’m not sure why. My mom never talks about it. Whatever it was, it was bad enough to make my mom pack me up in the middle of the night when I was four years old and run to my Gran’s condo. My mom got the condo after Gran died. From that time on all I had known my entire life was beach life. Until four years ago. Until my uncle found me.

Series:  The Kahl’Nar Saga, #1
Release Date:  August 25, 2012
Publisher:  WordCarfts Press
Source:  Provided by Author
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Reviewer’s Thoughts:

Leeowyn Blake has a peaceful quiet life, learning early on never to ask questions about her father, but when her uncle shows up at their front door every question she has been building up flows free. Unfortunately, the answers to her questions won’t come easy and finding out who she really is will take more strength then she possesses; or so she thought. Now, in one night of awakening, the fate of everything lies in her hands and with the help of a secret friend she must find the truth and a way to save everyone from ruin.

Leeowyn may come off at times as a push over but she is far from it. More like her father than ever she is a born leader and though assuming this role may be difficult she is able to put aside her own feeling and concentrate on the impending war. It amazed me how after four years of secrecy and without training she was able to do this; to take on not only this role but to learn traditions that are completely out of this world.

This book left me with a desire to read more, to find out what is coming. I will warn readers that it is an extremely slow start; however, when it picks up you will not put it down. I would normally give a lesser rating for this but this author did a beautiful job of shocking you off of your feet. She took presumptions made in the first half and threw them back into your face in the second. I expected normalcy with this book or something resembling the overplayed vampire/werewolf books but NO! She hands you something completely different and for that I would really recommend this to YA readers looking for something outside of normal.

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I am a lover of alpha males with dirty mouths, strong heroines putting alpha males in their place, and the Chicago Blackhawks. I'm a proud hockey mom who can often be found at the hockey rink cheering on my favorite forward, with my kindle close by.

One response to “Guest Review: The Awakening of Leeowyn Blake – Mary Parker

  1. Anonymous

    Great review! One quick comment; although The Awakening of Leeowyn Blake was originally published by CreateSpace, this title was acquired by WordCrafts Press.
    CE Edwards, publicist, WordCrafts Press.